Duration 3:5

Lebanese Rice with Vermicelli / انجح طريقة لطبخ الارز مع الشعيرية 新加坡

841 watched
Published 22 Jan 2021

* SUBTITLES AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH * Many Lebanese and Middle Eastern dishes are traditionally served with rice and vermicelli. This tasty rice with vermicelli is very easy to prepare if you follow my recipe. This video is ideal for beginners and advanced cooks alike. Give this quick recipe a try! DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO GET MY LATEST RECIPES! BON APPÉTIT! طبخ الرز المفلفل مع الشعيرية Duration: 7 minutes for cooking مدة الطهي سبع دقائق Servings: 5 people تكفي لخمسة اشخاص Ingredients / المواد: - 1 1/2 cups rice (long grain) / كباية ونصف رز حبة كبيرة - 3 cups water / لاث كبايات ماء مغلية - 1/3 cup vermicelli noodles / ثلث الكوب شعرية - 1 tsp salt / ملعقة صغيرة ملح - 2 tbsp vegetable oil / ملعقتين كبار زيت نباتي — Connect with An Afternoon with Violette: Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anafternoonwithviolette Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anafternoonwithviolette/ #lebaneserecipe #rice #vermicelli


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