Duration 6:5

كيف تكتب موضوع تعبير للصف الحادي عشر | Writing a composition For Grade 11 新加坡

22 951 watched
Published 6 May 2019

شرح خطوات كتابة موضوع تعبير للصف الحادي عشر نصائح خاصة بكتابة موضوع تعبير ---------------------------------------------------- نصائح سؤال التعبير 1- المخطط عبارة ثلاث عناصر : مقدمة تكتب فيها جملة أو جزء من جملة عن الموضوع بشكل عام و تكتب سؤال لجذب أنتباه القارئ // ثم جسم الموضوع يقسم الى فقرة أولي و فقرة ثانية و في كل الفقرة تكتب جملة رئيسية عن الفريق المؤيد أو المعارض للفكرة أو الموضوع ثم أسفلها أفكار فرعية // ثم الختام و تكتب فيه رأي أو نصيحة أو اقتراح ليلخص الموضوع بأكمله Introduction / The body / Conclusion 2- يتم تقسيم الموضوع إلى أربع فقرات مقدمة وجسم الموضوع من فقرتين ثم الختام المكون من وجهة نظرك أو نصيحتك .. مع مراعاة أن تترك مسافة في بداية السطر لكل فقرة و بين كل فقرة والثانية نترك سطر 3- لا تنسى الروابط بين الجمل و أستخدم تعبيرات مناسبة لكل وجه نظر من الفريقين المؤيد و المعارض Can we stop watching television? I think the answer will be no we can not. It is well known that television is a very important invention. It has a great effect on people. Television has many advantages but sometimes it has negative effect.   There are some people who are for watching television and its broadcasts. They think that there are a variety of programmes that are broadcast on television. They believe that people can follow channels according to their interests. For example, there are sports channels for people who are interested in sports. Besides, fashion channels are available. There are various channels that broadcast different programmes. Those people deem that television has several merits. For instance, It helps us get the latest news. Therefore , It makes us learn about other cultures. Moreover, It is a source of entertainment. It is also considered a teaching aid for students. On the other hand, there is another group of people who are against television and its programmes. They consider it a worthless device. They believe that, there is too much violence on TV. They say that it wastes time and promotes inactivity. Also, It sometimes affects our thinking negatively.   Finally, I’d like to conclude stating my opinion. I think television is a double edged weapon. Therefore, it is our role to choose the best channels to watch. Parents should advise their children to see what is good and disregard what may harm them.


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    @asmaayoussif25114 years ago
    14 should we ban motorists from driving in residential areas or not? .