Duration 3:33

Volta para o lar

3 893 watched
Published 30 Mar 2017

Música - Volta para o lar Composição - Aquias Santarem Cantor - Aquias Santarem Vídeo - The lighthouse Director: Po Chou Chi Composer: Chien Yu Huang Producer: Dow Ning Yang Year: 2010 Acesso original - http://cargocollective.com/pochouchi/The-Lighthouse This film is made for my parents. It is related to the director's own experience. The story is about parents support their children to make dreams come true. No matter what happened, parents will be always waiting for their children, just like the lighthouse forever lighting for the boats. This film has won 27 international awards, and screening in over 50 international festivals. Awards and festivals see here. [光之塔] 導演: 紀柏舟 製片: 楊道寧 配樂: 黃乾育 這部影片是給我父母的禮物. "光之塔"是一個有關父母的故事。講述遊子追求夢想,父母就像燈塔一樣支持、看望與守護,也是自己生命經驗的寫照。 既電腦動畫[回憶抽屜]之後,經歷幾年沈潛,有了這部新的小品之作,[光之塔]。 雖然是2D而非3D動畫,然而這次的作品嘗試更以[故事]為主軸,希望能反璞歸真,回到動畫與影片的本質。我相信好的故事與訴說意涵是創作的靈魂,希望樸實簡約的手繪風格,能帶給觀者更深切的共鳴,找尋最原始而單純的感動。 [光之塔]是就讀於UCLA第一年的個人創作,也是個人第一支完整的2D動畫作品。製作期約4個月。出國,組織家庭和成為人父的層層感觸促使了這支作品的誕生。[光之塔]不僅得到了28項大獎與眾多國際影展肯定,更受到觀眾普遍的喜愛;除了歐美甚至以色列、西班牙、巴西等地的朋都友來信鼓勵,也成為了學校課程、教堂與基金會的教材,影響了許多下一代。這是一個身為創作者最幸福的回饋。


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