Duration 11:43

Abhishek Joshi spoke the truth about Nepali Christian Missionary I Dr. K B Rokaya I Mandali TV

55 584 watched
2.7 K
Published 25 Dec 2021

Abhishek Joshi spoke the truth about Nepali Christian Missionary I Dr. K B Rokaya I Mandali TV I Bernard Lama Other videos : Nepali Christmas Programme sponsored by Bethel Darshan Sangati Dehradun /watch/MCjNXdpgefZgN Status of PS Keshab Acharya /watch/kdR_MLsyiVPy_ It Proves that you cannot become a Christian by paying money /watch/w_-kZlKlITIlk Who is being converted to Christianity /watch/QYLuKzh5rOf5u If Christian is wrong then you are are also wrong /watch/s42=t&0mkbfIvwr8zw= Christians are not doing wrong thing https://i.ytimg.com/an_webp/QIkhQ-9UO-g/mqdefault_6s.webp?du=3000&sqp=CLjRnI4G&rs=AOn4CLDhOCMvehiW9-1HqJ49UoABdALKyA


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