Duration 1:37

Mila Siczek - Enough is Enough - Linocuts and Screen prints on fabrics

63 watched
Published 25 Feb 2016

Linocut prints on fabric. My appeal to humanity to drop the weapons, stop hurting each other and evolve! Manifesto- is a personal statement, something of importance to us... to me it is important to discuss and touch issues which need talked about to allow us all as humanity to create a better world for the future generations, evolve, stop the genocide, war, famine, suffering which humanity self inflicts onto itself.... or what is worse the ones in power inflict on the ones who are at the bottom of the social ladder.... Humanity however still prefers to ''See no evil, hear no evil and speak of no evil'' but we need to stop thinking this way.... To make a change, we need to believe that this world CAN be changed with our help, that WE as individuals and as a whole are the ones creating the reality that we live in.... or is our reality imaginary...? do we think our life and world are real while in fact we choose to live in a happy little bubble where we can see no harm...? To change the world it takes to change just one person at a time, and to make one deed at time..... just like Michael Jackson sang ''starting from the man in the mirror''... Man meaning human of course and being just a shortcut and not a sexist preference to describing only men as human beings.... WE AS HUMANITY NEED TO EVOLVE IN OUR WAYS.... NEED TO START SEEING FURTHER THAN OUR OWN PLAYGROUND... NEED TO THINK FREELY.... NEED TO HEAL THE WORLD.... BECAUSE ''The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.'' With so much evil going on all around us now.... let's make haste... THEY SAY THAT THE ARMY MAKES YOU A BETTER YOU.... REALLY? DOES IT NOT PAY TO KILL BY ANY CHANCE? Just asking.... Just thinking out loud....


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